Rise of the Village Hero – More coverage!!
Hello everyone!
As you may be aware, I have released my first commercial game called “Rise of the Village Hero”, and it’s my first studio release. It has not been plain sailing for sure. I have learned a lot from the process, and at the end of the day, that is what I can gladly say will help me so much in my future releases.
Some of my experiences were quite disheartening to begin with—from the lack of coverage to people just saying they would cover my game but not really doing it, I guess just asking for a free key.
From people offering feedback when it’s not even asked, to people who just criticize everything from art and assets to story, cinematic, trailers, etc. It’s really been a journey.
I love constructive feedback; let’s be honest, a solo indie developer needs to learn how to get that on board. And I have pretty much tried to discern between good feedback and the bad, seeing how I can improve my game for the better.
In all that, however, the coverage just wouldn’t come along, no matter how much I tried. It was not until eventually I got lucky?
Scottish Games Network wrote about my game, which was amazing. I live in Scotland, and I consider myself just as much Scottish as I am Romanian, so for them to write about my game was incredible.
Here it is the article here. You can give it a read it was really awesome for me to read it to be fair. As a solo indie developer its great to just see your game covered.

I had another website Gamezebo that also was awesome and they did a little review of my game comparing my game with Runscape non-MMO which was incredible really. You can read the article here.

I can’t exactly remember the dates, but waking up and seeing this article filled me with so much joy.
At some point, I also received my first recommendation from Gaming Grandma, and that was super cool. I bet that by the second game, all these small stages might not mean as much. But for now, it’s pretty amazing!

Then came the big one, the first Let’s Play by a YouTuber of my game, which you can see here! Joel Durant, a gamer who decided to play my game, and it’s pretty epic!
I saved the most incredible part for last, of course 🙂 Hitmarker covered my game on LinkedIn, which was very epic! Still getting notifications, and it definitely helped my page grow a bit too.
Again you can see the actual post here.

Thank you to everyone who covered my game!
You really made my day. There’s nothing more amazing for a solo developer than seeing people playing your game or showcasing it. 🙂
See you all at the next update, and here’s to many more coverages!
Developer of Rise of the Village Hero
Founder of Ludus Pax Studios