Studio update since Nov 2023
Hello everyone!
I don’t really like saying I’ve been super busy because everyone says that, but… it’s kind of true this time around.
Since November 2023, I’ve been working on several things in the background. I started my own studio and released my first commercial game in Jan 2024. I’ve been trying to navigate the space of an indie dev and solo studio. Some of the things taking a bit of time have been creating an efficient marketing plan for my game and studio. It’s something I still haven’t quite got it where id like to, but I’m seeking mentorship for it.
I’ve been trying to stay up to date by updating my websites, my social media, releasing content regularly, and getting involved with as many communities as I can.
I applied for the Funding Readiness program from Barclays, which proved to be a tremendous opportunity to learn so much. It’s just a shame I missed some of these sessions due to conflicts with school pickups, lectures, etc.
I’ve been working on my game since I launched it. I’ve released a number of updates, which is something I wanted to do since I launched in early access. I’m still making a lot of progress with that and am quite happy with it.
I applied for a prototype grant from the UK Games Fund and have just found out recently that I’ve been unsuccessful, which is kind of okay. I mean, it was my first grant application, and although it would have been tremendous to receive funding for Rise of the Village Hero, I have learned a lot from the application and will apply that in future grant applications.
I am currently doing a second grant application and receiving feedback from an amazing mentorship program from Eagle Labs, Barclays. That is for a different project. Should that go through, then a lot of things may change, and the studio could see growth beyond just me, which would be an exciting stage.
In the midst of all this, I am also writing my dissertation and working on three different modules prototype games for the University work. So yeah, it’s been challenging for sure.
I find myself sometimes thinking that if I had an additional 2 or 3 days in a week, it might not be such a bad thing. It’s a challenge to find time for everything, but sometimes really striving among the chaos, so to speak.
In the next couple of months, things will sort of balance themselves more business-oriented as more focus will be spent on getting prototypes and market research for the next project for my studio, Ludus Pax Studios. I will work to balance the marketing plan more effectively, attend more networking events which I have already put my name down for, and will look to get the name of the studio more out there and also work on Rise of the Village Hero more over the remaining time of the year.
Exciting times ahead, and I would like to keep these posts more frequent from now on, but yeah, we’ll see how it goes.
Thanks for reading!
#indiedev #studioupdate #gamedev