Rise of the Village Hero – More Coverage

Published by Silviu on

Hey everyone!

I’m really excited to announce that Rise of the Village Hero, my first commercial game, has received a lot more coverage. One of the things I found really difficult initially was getting any coverage for my game, but now seeing more and more content creators pick up the game and give it the opportunity for some coverage is pretty epic!

The overall feedback has been really great too! With more and more content creators expressing how, although the game does need a little more work and updates (which it will receive once I finish my Uni), it’s a really good fun game. Which is really my main objective with my game. Sure, my game is not perfect and not without its faults, but as a solo dev, I will always strive to make it as good as I can.

So here are all the coverage’s of the different videos that Rise of the Village Hero has received since the last time I posted about this:

Latest content coverage /review of my game Rise of the Village Hero.

The creator fearxwizrd is also on twitch.tv and the original video came from a live stream on twitch here is his twitch channel : https://www.twitch.tv/fearxwizrd

Another content creator OneRedBoi made content on my game which can be found here:

Hazzie and Nord created a let’s play together which was really cool to watch. I got some feedback from it too which I went back and updated as soon as I could after here is there let’s play video:

One video from Cemetery Gate channel on YouTube posted and shared their gameplay on my game. They explained how the game was fun and although it took a bit of getting used to it that was OK too, but better you watch it in the content creators own words here:

Finally Leniasiren video from her live stream on Twitch tv is here:


It is so amazing seeing all these new videos of my game and I cant wait to see more in the future. Overall the opinions have been great which is so amazing to see!

My game is currently 30% off during Spring Steam Sale so if you are considering supporting it with a purchase here its the link:


I will see you all at the next update!


Creator of Rise of the Village Hero

Founder of Ludus Pax Studios


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