June update 5 C – Improving overall the game

Published by Silviu on

Hi there!

Welcome to the June update. This month, I’ve been focusing on the valuable feedback from play testers, content creators, and the wider community. I’ve updated my Trello board to incorporate these suggestions and have been hard at work addressing them.

I received a less favourable review from a publication. While I don’t agree with every point, I’ve taken as much on board as possible. Constructive criticism is part of the journey, and I’m committed to improving the game.

Also, as always, it’s advisable to start a new game with a new save, at every update to avoid any issues in saving. I will be testing the game for next couple of days and if I notice anything out of the ordinary will most likely release a quick update patch to fix any irregularities.

With monthly updates planned, I aim to enhance and expand the game continuously. Here are some of the changes and improvements based on your feedback:

Feedback from Players, Creators, and Press:

“Using ranged weapons is difficult and lacks impact on combat.”

Ranged weapons require accuracy, which is challenging to balance. I’ve increased the damage of the three bows available in the game:

Tranquility: Obtainable by allying with the Goblin Conglomerate.

Ironbark: Found next to a certain brave and humble farmer.

Razorwind: Reward for the first quest of Chapter 1 – Part 1.

More bows are intended to be added to the game for sure to add that option for players who are looking to play range.

“Skills lack clear explanations.”

I’ve added a tool to explain how each point affects your character’s stats. This was a frequent request and something I’ve wanted to implement for a while.

“Shop purchases are less useful and there aren’t enough shops.”

I’ve added a new shop in the lowest dungeon (level 4 before the boss fight) and expanded the inventory of existing shops. More shops and items will be added in future updates, including a shop in the cave system.

“Not enough health potions; small and medium don’t offer enough.”

I’ve increased the effectiveness of small and medium health potions and adjusted their prices accordingly.

“Bosses are too easy to defeat.”

Balancing boss difficulty is ongoing. I’ve reworked the levels of enemies and bosses in Chapter 1 and the interlink area to provide a more challenging experience without causing frustration.

“Experience UI is not present.”

The experience UI was too transparent, so I’ve made it fully coloured for better visibility. I’m continuously working on improving the UI.

“Environment feels sparse, with more trees than proper buildings.”

I’m enhancing the environment, especially in Chapter 2, by adding more buildings where appropriate, such as warehouses in White Shallows forest.

“All items on the ground look the same; no variety.”

I’ve ensured that drops now reflect the actual items, like swords, instead of default bags. I’ll extend this to armour in future updates.

“Grammar mistakes.”

I’ve corrected various grammatical errors and inconsistencies in the dialogue. English is my second language, but I strive to correct mistakes as soon as I notice them.

“Slots are not in the correct order for equipment.”

I’ve reorganized the equipment slots in the UI to make them more intuitive for players.

Path to Development 1.0:

Variation of enemies:

I’ve added animals like wolves and -soon bears -to the biomes, providing more quest opportunities, combat variety.


Six new swords have been added:

Scar: A green sword.

Oblivion: A blue sword.

Venom and Frost Sword: Two light gold swords.

Brutality and Blind Justice: Gold swords.

Prices have been adjusted to balance the amount of gold players accumulate.

New Armor Sets:

A new set of five Fierce Chainmail armor pieces has been added, though they still need to be placed in shops.Hope of Crusader set has been added into the White Shallows area.

Overall Testing:

I’ve rebalanced player and enemy levels and adjusted the experience required to level up. Players now level up after 2,000 experience points initially and then every 4,000 points thereafter.

Chapter 2 – White Shallows and Underwater Cave level 1:

I’ve improved these levels, making them more engaging and detailed. The “Early Access warning” for White Shallows will remain until I add more quests and dialogues are added and I am happy to move it to the next area.

Thank you so much for your support, wishlisting my game, playing it, and providing feedback. It means the world to me. The next update will be in July, followed by August. These updates may be smaller as I’ll be spending time with my child during the summer holidays.

Thank you again for your continued support.


Founder of Solo Studio Ludus Pax Studios

Creator of Rise of the Village Hero

Link to steam post – https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/2737960/view/4200250669013184533


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