Rise of the Village Hero – 35% off

Published by Silviu on

Hey everyone!

I’m really excited to announce that Rise of the Village Hero is part of the Steam and Itch io Summer Sale for the first time, with a fantastic discount of 35%. Keep in mind that by purchasing now, you’ll receive all future updates at no additional cost. I’m committed to continuing development on the game, incorporating player feedback to make it the best it can be, within my skill range and development time frame.

Currently, the game offers a complete Chapter 1 with 5 levels, an area between Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 with two levels, and the beginning of Chapter 2 with two levels, which I am still working on and improving. On average, if you take your time and explore everything, the game offers 3.5 to 5 hours or more of gameplay.

If you enjoy RPGs, my game might be just what you’re looking for, and I hope you take advantage of the 35% off sale over the next two weeks. If you enjoy the game, could I please ask you to leave a review? It helps me immensely, allowing my game to stand out and providing valuable feedback.

Thank you for your consideration and support!

Check out my game on Steam here:

If you prefer to buy games and support developers on Itch io you can buy my game on Itchio summer sale here.

Read more on my steam post!


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