A good day in a Steam Summer Sale

Published by Silviu on

Hey all!

I had a really good day two days ago for the Steam Summer sale with two sales in one day which was pretty awesome.

Whoever you amazing people that bought my game may be really appreciate the support so thank you. This had really made my day. Please do consider leaving a review. It would help tremendously, for other people to find my game.

For anyone else interested my game is still on sale on Steam and its 35% off which is a pretty big discount.

Here is the link: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2737960/Rise_of_the_Village_Hero/

Thank you for your consideration.

Since than its been a little bit quiet and last couple of days has been a little bit silent activity with two days tougher at the office 😀

I am joking of course things will always go up and down. There are so many games out there on Steam. So its normal to be more difficult to be found.

Like I posted on Blue Sky and X. Did you know you can follow me there? Go ahead!

Thank you for all the support and see you at the next post!


Founder of Ludus Pax Studios

and Game Developer or Rise of the Village Hero


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