Follow Friday is here!

Published by Silviu on

Hey all!

As more content is added into my game and I am also developing new areas I am starting to focus more on adding more depth to these levels more history, lore etc. So here is one of those starts. I decided to start working the other week and last update on the dwarven kingdom of Macin which is a mining Kingdom. Very good relations were held between the humans and the dwarves. But it was not until everything fell apart in the Kingdom of Dobroja that also oddly a necromancer started causing problems in the dwarven kingdom.
Here is my post from twitter:

⛰️The Dwarven Kingdom of Macin had always been friendly with humans above.
🧙Then an evil necromancer, driven by power greed, and desire to resurrect a fallen goddess, began reanimating skeletons and started a war⚔️.
Rise of the Village Hero steam page:

Rise of the Village Hero on Itchio:

I really enjoy adding more of these details to my game and its fine building up these world.

Excited for sure to add more to it and reach 1.0.

See you at the next update!


hashtag#followfriday hashtag#indiegame hashtag#indie hashtag#RPG hashtag#madewithunity hashtag#ActionRPG hashtag#RiseoftheVillageHero


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