September Update! Rise of the Village Hero

End of September Update
Hey everyone!
Welcome to the end-of-September update! There’s a lot to cover, so let’s jump right in.
New Levels and Improvements:
New levels have been added to Chapter 2, including Underwater Cave Level 2 and the Underwater Cave Boss Level. We’ve added lighting to create a more immersive cave system.
Improvements have been made to both White Shallows and Underwater Cave Level 1, with more enemies and additional gates to block off areas until you have the necessary quests.
New Armor Sets:
The Fierce Chain Set can now be found around the White Shallows.
The Set of Conquered Sorrow has been added as a reward.
Two additional armor sets, Hope of the Crusader and Verdant Ward of Dobroja, are now part of the drop system.
New Weapons:
Three new swords have been added: Violet Reaper, Blind Justice, and Dobroja’s Wrath.
AI Improvements:
I’ve made updates to the AI for archers, making them run away from the player to create more diverse enemy behaviour. More improvements will come in future updates.
New Enemies:
Spiders have been introduced in Chapter 2, particularly in the Underwater Caves and Level 2. These come in two types—green and red—and can be quite challenging.
Boss Level:
A new boss level has been added for the final underwater cave with its own boss, “Pig Chef”, a troll leader.
All enemies and levels will undergo testing to ensure balance. If necessary, I’ll release patches to adjust difficulty. For now, I’ve added more potions to help players who find things too tough. These will be balanced over time.
Story Enhancements:
I’ve added new story elements to give more depth and context to the world. These are designed to work alongside dialogue and quests, enriching the narrative and encouraging exploration. More will be added as I continue developing the levels.
Markers for Navigation:
To assist players who may feel lost, I’ve introduced new looping visual markers that point towards exits and key locations.
UI and Menu Improvements:
The UI has been improved, and the pause menu now includes new buttons. I’ve also added an option to quit without saving, for those who prefer not to save their progress.
Tier System Updates:
The tier system, introduced earlier this month, has been refined. There are now 5 tiers: Grey, Green, Blue, Light Gold, and Gold. More tiers will be added in future updates.
Testing and Next Steps:
I’ll be spending this week conducting extensive tests to ensure the game is stable. If everything is fine, I’ll move on to developing the next area and adding more story elements.
If any patches are required to fix issues, I apologise in advance. I always aim to ensure everything works smoothly, so if you see an update icon, please make sure to update the game first. It shouldn’t affect your save files.
You can also read the post on Steam here:
I have also added a patch smaller update in the first week of September here is the post for that one:
[*] Doors added in Warlington (Chapter 1, First Level): These doors (Portcullis for castle gates) have been introduced to encourage players to fully explore the starting area and obtain the main quest. This helps with the storytelling and ensures that players don’t accidentally disrupt the game flow by attacking enemies linked to quests, before receiving their quest, which previously caused the “ghosts that attack you, but you can’t attack them” bug.
[*] Increased stock in the shop in the Kingdom of Macin (Cave level between Chapter 1 and Chapter 2): The shopkeeper now can purchase most of your items. Potions have also been added to the shop to assist players who may need them at this stage.
[*] Additional door before the final area: A new door has been placed to prevent access to the final area of the map until players have completed the quest Dwarven Uprising Part 2. This is to ensure that the quest progression remains intact.
[*] Removed duplicate equipment in Chapter 2 (White Shallows): There was an issue where a piece of equipment could be both found on the ground and received as a reward. This duplication has been fixed.
[*] Adjusted enemies in Chapter 2: More enemies have been added to the Cave Trolls level (Level 1), while the knights in the White Shallows (Chapter 2, Level 1) have been slightly nerfed for balance.
[*] Improved skeleton animations: Skeletons now use humanoid animations instead of the shared orc/goblin animators, giving them a more appropriate feel. Trying to use a mixture of them ended up causing the *ghost reanimated bug* which doesn’t attack the player but when reloading the game they enemies oddly stand up.
[*] More health drops in Chapter 2: Additional health drops have been scattered throughout Chapter 2 to help with the balance.
[*] I had to release a couple of patches today as there were a few small issues that weren’t quite working. However, the main addons, such as doors mechanic and animations, are now functioning as intended now.
I’ll continue testing to ensure the game remains balanced, including assessing player levels versus enemies and the availability of health pickups in the coming days. Thanks again for your feedback and support!
I’ll aim to release more content soon not sure if weekly, but I will try; with a primary focus on completing Chapter 2 and progressing to the next area. I’m also considering adding more equipment, adding them to the stores and around the world and drop mechanic.
This week’s update does not affect save files—I’ve checked, and I can still play with my old save.
This first week Sept update can be read here:
Thank you for your continued support and see you in the next update!